October 17, 2010


                                 Dr.Bhat.A.Rangaprasad -Sarve janah Sukhino Bhavanthu || Sarve santhu Niramayah ||

2.Based on the effect of मर्म आघात
Continuation of Classification of Marma - part 1/1

Acharya Sushruta has classified the Marmas based on the clinical prognosis on geting injured. For better understanding, I am this time presenting the files and facts in a different manner with the slokas initially followed by the meaning.
The slokas which were in sandhi with chandas have been split, with most possible care with out any grammatical errors, for better readability and better understanding of the subject, when read.The concept is to make one understand the subject अक्षरम् अक्षरेण, पदम् पदेन, वाक्यम् वाक्येण ||

तानि एतानि पंच विकल्पानि मर्मानि \
सध्य प्राणहराणि,
कालान्तर प्राणहराणि,
च इति॥
तत्र सध्य प्राणहराणि - एक ऊनविंशति,
कालान्तर प्राणहराणि - त्रय त्रिंशत् ,
त्रीणि - विशल्यघ्नानि,
चतु: चत्वारिंशत् वैकल्यकराणि,
अष्टौ - रुजाकराणि इति ॥ सु. शा. ६/८ ॥

They (The Marmas) are 5 in numbers namely,
Sadhyapranahara Marma -19 in number.
Kalantara Pranahara Marma - 33 in number.
Vishalyaghna Marma - 03 in number.
Vaikalyakara marma - 44 in number.
Rujakar Marma - 08 in number.
The total count of these will be 107 (19+33+03+44+08= 107marmas)

1} SADHYA PRANAHARA MARMA- which means the marmas on getting inflicted with injury CAUSE INSTANT DEATH. they are 19 in mumber (eka=1, oona=minus, vimshati=20, i.e 20-1 = 19).

तत्र सध्य: प्रानहराणि आग्नेयानि,
आग्नेय गुणेषु आशु क्षीणेषु क्षपयन्ति ॥ सु. शा. ६/१७ ॥
The सध्यप्राणहरं मर्म is agneya in guna, with predominance of fire element. Only hence, on getting injured, it results in death due to the sudden decrease or loss of the agni tatva.

तत्र सध्यप्राणहरं अन्ते विद्ध कालान्तरेण मारयती ॥ सु. शा. ६/ २३॥
As per this verse, instead of any direct injury, if the sadyapranahara marma gets injured near its vicinity, then in such a cicumstance, instead of causing instant death, it exhibits the signs and symptoms of a कालान्तर प्राणहर मर्म ॥

श्रुंगाटकानि अधिपति: शंखौ कण्ठ सिरा गुदं ।
ह्र्दयं बस्ति नाभी च घ्नन्ति सध्योहरानि ॥ सु. शा. ६/१० ॥

Shrungataka - 4 in number
Adhipati - 1 in number
Sankha - 2 in number
Kantha sira - 8 in number
Guda; Hrudya; Basti & Naabhi - each 1 in number.
(4+1+2+8+1+1+1+1= 19).


The Kalantara pranahara marmas, when inflicted with injury causes loss of death gradually and slowly.

कालान्तर प्राणहराणि सौंय-आग्नेयानि,
अग्नि गुणेषु क्षीणेषु क्रमेन च,
सोम गुणेषु कालान्तरेण क्षपयन्ति ॥ सु. शा. ६/१७ ॥

The Kalantara pranahara marmas are predeominant of both Soumya and Aagneya gunas (Cold and fiery properties).
Eventhough there is sudden loss of the agneya guna, but due to the compensatory loss of the soumya guna which is very slow and mild when compared to the agneya guna, the loss of life is not immediate but manisfests slowly & gradually. Hence the name Kalantara pranahara.

कालान्तर प्राणहरम् अन्ते विध्हम् वैक्ल्यम् आपादयन्ति ॥ सु. शा. ६/ २३॥
As per this verse, instead of any direct injury, if the कालान्तर प्राणहर मर्म gets injured near its vicinity, then in such a cicumstance, instead of causing instant death, it exhibits the signs and symptoms of a वैकल्यकर मर्म॥

वक्षोमर्मानि सीमन्ततलक्षिप्रेन्द्रवस्तय: ।
कटिकतरुणे सन्धी पार्श्वजौ कालान्तरहराणि तु ॥ सु. शा. ६/१० ॥

The Vaksha marmas (Marmas of chest) are 8 in number viz.,. 2 stanamoola; 2 Sthanarohita; 2 Apalaapa; 2 Apasthambha, totalling the 8 vaksha sthitha marmas.
Seemanta - 5 in number
Talahrudaya - 4 in number
Ksipra - 4 in number
Indrabasti - 4 in number
Katikataruna- 2 in number
Parshva Sandhi - 2 in number
Bruhati- 2 in number
Nitamba - 2 in number .
The Talahrdaya,Ksipra & Indrabasti are present in each of the four limbs,hence their number is 4.
(8+5+4+4+4+2+2+2+2+=33 kalanatara pranahar marmas).


विशल्यप्राणहराणि वायव्य़ानि,
शल्य मुख अवरुद्धो यावत् अन्त: वायु: तिष्ठति,
तावत् जीवति,
उद्ध्रृत मात्रे तु शल्ये मर्मस्थानाश्रितो वायु निष्क्रामति,
तस्मात् स शल्य जीवति उद्ध्रुत शल्यो म्रियते॥
(पाकात् पतित शल्यो वा जीवति॥) -॥ सु. शा. ६/१७ ॥

The word shalya refer to a foriegn body. When a foriegn body like knife or bullet pierces the vishalyaghna marma, the forign body which is impacted prevents the vata/pranic energy from getting out of the body. As and such, when the vata resides inside the life of the patient remains secured (तावत् जीवति). But, when the shalya is removed (उद्ध्रृत मात्रे तु), the vayu gets expelled (वायु निष्क्रामति) resulting in sudden death. Only hence in case of Vishalyaghna marmas, it is always better to leave the shaly either completely or partially. assume in case if the bullet has pierecd insde the skin, it is better to leave it as such inside. And that if the shara (Arrow) has pierced the vishalyaghna marma, then the portion remaining or protruding outside the skin surface should be cut and the portion remaining inside the surface of the skin be left undisturbed to save the precious life of the patient.
In case if at the area of the marma, suppuration (paka) takes place naturally resulting in the natural fall of the shalya, in such a case one need not fear of the death of the marmabhighatita person (पाकात् पतित शल्यो वा जीवति).

विशल्यघ्नं वैकल्यकरं भवन्ति -॥सु. शा. ६/ २३॥
As per this verse, instead of any direct injury, if the विशल्यघ्नं मर्म gets injured near its vicinity, then in such a cicumstance, instead of causing instant death, it exhibits the signs and symptoms of a वैकल्यकर मर्म॥

उत्क्षेपौ स्थपनी चैव विशल्यघ्नानि निर्दिशेत् - ॥ सु. शा. ६/१० ॥
Utkshepa 2 in number &
Sthapani 1 in number makes the three Vishalyaghna Marma.


वैकल्यकराणि सौंयानि,
सौंयात् हि स्थिरत्वात् च
शैत्याच्च प्राण अवलम्बनं करोति ॥ -॥ सु. शा. ६/१७ ॥
Vaikalyakara marma is soumya in guna. The soumya guna is sthira(stable) and shaitya (coolant) in nature, due to these two qualities the vaikalyakara marma cause avalamabana (protection) of the prana of the person afflicted with the injury on it.

वैकल्यकरम् कालान्तरेण क्लेशयति रुजाम् च करोति ॥ -॥सु. शा. ६/ २३॥
As per this verse, instead of any direct injury, if the विशल्यघ्नं मर्म gets injured near its vicinity, then in such a cicumstance, it causes pain(रुजां) in gradual course of time (कालान्तरेण)॥

लोहिताक्षाणि जानूर्वी कूर्च विटप कूर्परा: ।
कुकुन्दरे कक्षधरे विधुरे सकृकाटिके ॥
अम्साम्सफल्कआपांग नीले मन्ये फणौ तथा ।
वैकल्यकरनाणि आहु: आवर्त्तौ द्वौ तथैव च ॥ - ॥ सु. शा. ६/१३ ॥
Lohitksha 4 in number
Aani 4 in number
Janu 2 in number
Oorvee 4 in number
Koorca 4 in number
Vitapa 2 in number
Koorpara 2 in number
Kukundar 2 in number
Kakshadhara2 in number
vidhura 2 in number
Krkatika 2 in number
AmsaSandhi 2 in number
Amsaphalaka2 in number
Apanga 2 in number
Neela 2 in number
Manya 2 in number
Phana 2 in number
Avarta 2 in number
(4+4+2+4+4+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2= 44 in total).


रुजकराणि अग्नि वायु गुन भूयिष्ठानि,
विशेषतश्च रुजाकरौ ।
पांचभौतिकी च रुजां आहु: एके ॥ - सु. शा. ६/१७ ॥
Rujakara marma is agni and vayu predominant one. In other words to say the agni and vayu controls the activities of the aforesaid marma.When inflicted with injury up on their site, they cause pain.
But, as of the opinion of some other Acharyas, the Rujakara marma is paanchabhoutik in nature.

रुजाकरं अतीव्र वेदनं भवति ॥ - सु. शा. ६/ २३॥
The Rujakara marma eventhough has the word of pain in its meaning, does not produce severe pain,but mild pain (अतीव्र वेदनं).

गुल्फौ द्वौ, मणिबन्धौ द्वौ, द्वे द्वे कूर्चशिरांसि च ।
रुजाकराणि जानीयात् अष्टाषु एतानि बुद्धीमान् ॥ - सु. शा. ६/ १४॥
Gulpha is 2 in number
Manibandha is 2 in number
Koorcha is 2 in number
Koorchashira is 2 in number
(2+2+2+2=8 in total)


divakar said...

if any youngster who is studying Ayurveda with passion and want to know everything about Marma chikitsa...this is it...and the buck stops here.The writer of this article Dr.Ranga prasad Bhat is a dear friend of mine ...He is a great teacher as well as a great physician...everyone one must go through this article to get the complete knowledge about the Marma Chikitsa...long live Bhat saab.

Surendra Chaudhary said...

If we have knowledge and want to explain to some one-the thumb rule is "speak the language which audience understand" most of the great Ayurveda scholars speaks only in sanskrit, by doing this one can show his intelligence but the purpose lost some where.Your first paragraph-you split the shlokas for better understanding- shows your way of thinking and eagerness to spread the Ayurveda globally.
Marma chikitsa is a specialized field and understanding of this topic a little bit complex but make it easy.
I hope some more Rangaprashad should come forward.
Excellent posting.....
God bless you sir.

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